Laser cutting is a splitting technology in the course of which sheet metal parts of various shapes are cut from tabular metal sheets. The basis of laser cutting is a guided, shaped and focused laser beam. When this beam reaches the workpiece, the material is heated up so much that it either melts or vaporizes. The entire laser power is focused on a single point during this procedure with a diameter of less than half a millimetre in many cases. When we here switch over to a higher temperature than the thermal conductivity of the material, the laser beam penetrates the material completely and the cutting process begins. While sheet metal machining takes place in case of other processes with robust tools exhibiting very high strength, the laser beam carries out the work without touching the sheet metal. This is why wear and tear of tools does not take place. Furthermore, no distortion of the workpieces occur and they do not get damaged either.
CNC laser cutter model:
Baykal BLSN3015
Materials which can be used for laser cutting are:
Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel, Aluminum-, Yellow and Red copper sheets
Material thickness:
From 0.5 mm to 20 mm
Maximum size of sheets:
1500 x 3000 mm